Constitution and Policy Series
The Student Government Association Constitution and Policy Series are the documents that govern the policies and procedures of the Hofstra SGA. Senators may bring forth legislation to modify the current documents. A majority of Senate is required to pass legislation. For an abridged version of SGA Policies and Procedures, please see their Policies Packet.
SGA Academic Resources
SGA Appropriations and Budget Weekend Forms
Senate Minutes
These minutes reflect SGA Senate meetings since the passing of the current Constitution. A request for earlier minutes can be sent to
Resolutions and Statements Passed by SGA
This section details all resolutions that the Senate passed since the implementation of the revised Constitution and Policy Series in spring 2016. A request for earlier resolutions can be sent to Resolutions that did not pass can be found in the meeting minutes.
- Student Appreciation Week Survey 2017
- Club Recognition and De-Recognition Legislation
- Smoking Ban Resolution
- Enforcement of Smoking Ban Resolution
- Fitness Center Hours Extension Resolution
- Library Hours Hours Extension Resolution
- Resolution - 4.19.2017
- SGA Resolution on Gun Violence
- SGA Resolution on Amending SSPA