Name of Organization:*
First Name:*
Last Name:*
Phone #:*
Hofstra email address:*
Date(s) of Tabling:*
Reason for Tabling:*
Will you be selling something?*
Yes No
If yes, for:
Revenue Community Service
Products Sold:*
Video/Audio Amplification requested?* [Amplification (sound and video) must be approved by the Associate Dean of Students.]
Yes No
If amplification is approved, please indicate whether you are bringing your own equipment or requesting equipment from the Office of Events Management (OEM)*
will provide own equipment will request equipment from OEM
Atrium Table Policy
The student organization submitting this atrium table reservation form is considered the TABLE SPONSOR.
Table dates are reserved on a first come first serve basis. Students may submit this form starting on the 15th of the month prior to the requested table date month. Reservations will be confirmed via e-mail at least one week before the requested table date.
Student clubs and organizations are limited to seven table dates a month.
3a. Student organizations are limited to two Wednesdays within that month.
Table reservations must be cancelled in writing 48 hours prior to table day. If the Table Sponsor fails to cancel correctly three (3) times in one semester, the student organization may lose tabling privileges for the remainder of the semester and the following semester at the discretion of the Associate Dean of Students.
Only ONE 6-foot table (provided) may be used per day, per student organization unless otherwise approved by the Associate Dean of Students. Student organizations and external vendors are not permitted to bring their own tables.
Tables must remain parallel to the Bookstore windows. No table or other items may impede the walkway of the atrium. No table or other items may block the Bookstore emergency exit doors or the Student Center exterior sliding doors.
All representatives involved in a tabling session must remain in the immediate vicinity of their assigned table and are not permitted to hand out materials in front of their assigned table unless approved by the Associate Dean of Students.
Permission from the Bookstore manager is required in order to place posters on the Bookstore windows. All items must be removed at the closing of the tabling session.
Distributed flyers must be approved by Student Leadership and Engagement.
Approved amplification can be played at a reasonable volume only. High volume is not permitted. Respect towards other table vendors and the people who share the atrium is expected at all times.
Any food or beverage sold in the Atrium must have a separate contract with dining services.
11a. Review the page for information about what is allowed to be sold for fundraisers.
Student Organizations must deposit all money with the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement (room 244 Student Center) by 4:30 pm the day of sale.
Student clubs and organizations must comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, including all laws applicable to any goods being offered for sale.
If a student organization sponsors an external vendor, a representative of the student organization must be present for the entirety of the tabling session.
Student organizations are limited to sponsoring external vendors twice a semester unless otherwise approved by the Associate Dean of Students.
All applicable University policies as outlined in the Guide to Pride , Living Factor , Faculty Policy Series , and elsewhere apply equally to student organizations utilizing atrium tables.
By submitting this form, you agree to all the policies outlined above. Failure to comply with these policies, may lead to a loss of future table dates.