糖心传媒 may reimburse faculty members for travel to places and gatherings at which it is advisable for the University to be represented as an institution. This would include particularly meetings of learned and professional societies or other such meetings.
Interpretation and Applications
The annual budget provides the academic deans and chief administrative officers with amounts for travel in their areas. Academic deans and chief administrative officers are expected to present realistic travel needs when they present their budget requested. When an amount for travel has been approved in a budget, it may be presumed to have the approval of the President, and no further approval is necessary from his office. The travel budget of each major area is to be allocated as the appropriate dean or chief administrative officer sees fit. The general criterion will be the value of the travel to the University.
Academic and Professional Travel
Academic and professional travel is interpreted to include meetings where a faculty member or administrative officer has a prominent part in the program, or, where in the interest of the University, it is advisable to have representation. -
All full-time faculty and administrative officers may be eligible for reimbursement for academic and professional travel. -
Any faculty member who feels it necessary to represent the University at a gathering may apply for travel expense reimbursement through his/her department chair for approval by the dean of the school or college.
Any administrative officer who feels it necessary to represent the 86 University at a gathering may apply for travel expense reimbursement through his/her department chair for administrative channels for approval by the President.
All requests for academic and professional travel involving University expense are to be submitted through the channels described in "1" and "2" above for approval well in advance of the trip.
After the travel has been completed, the faculty member or administrative officer will submit an expense report to the dean of the school or college through his/her departmental chair or to the President through administrative channels.
Normally, expenses for scholarly or academic travel, including the travel of administrators to their own disciplinary or professional conventions, may be paid up to 75% of coach fare and up to 75% of expenses for hotel rooms and meals to the current appropriate established maximum per diem. (See 'IV' if automobile mileage is involved.)
Travel at the Request of the University
For any travel performed at the request of the University, the same principles outlined in Section "A" shall apply, except that reimbursement will be made for all necessary expenses. -
III. Travel Expenses for Candidates Being Interviewed by the University
See Faculty Policy Series #1 entitled, "Faculty Appointment Procedure," item No. V. -
IV. For travel by automobile, expenses are to be charged at the current appropriately established rate. This amount does not include tolls which are to be charged separately. Receipts are required.
Travel forms for the above are available through Supply Services. Copies of the travel request and expense report forms are on the following pages.
FPS #24
(rev. 1969)