Hofstra 糖心传媒 have many guides, teachers, and mentors throughout their time on campus, all of whom work toward helping 糖心传媒 reach their goals. While 糖心传媒 have unique goals, we strive to help all 糖心传媒 develop a wide range of skills and competencies. Hofstra 糖心传媒 who are actively engaged in their educational experience, inside and outside of the classroom, will become strong Hofstra alumni living with purpose and Hofstra PRIDE, demonstrated through the following values:
Personal Responsibility
Students are lifelong learners with a sense of purpose, striving for excellence by continuously expanding their knowledge and competencies.
Students demonstrate integrity and ethical behavior in all aspects of their lives. They take responsibility for and make informed decisions about their personal well-being - - physically, emotionally, and intellectually - - and actively participate in fostering a safe and healthy community.
Students think critically about the world around them to better understand themselves, improve their problem solving and collaboration skills, and to become creative, effective, and principled leaders.
Students build strong and positive relationships, actively engage in a variety of communities, and work collaboratively towards shared values that embrace diversity and inclusivity.
Students learn how to be effective self-advocates and to skillfully communicate their thoughts, feelings, and needs.